With three other friends I have created the beautiful Sopa Magazine. Go taste it!

Barradas, Carlos (2014), «Descolonizando enunciados: a quem serve objetivamente a fotografia?», in Filipa Lowndes Vicente (org.) O Império da visão, 447-59.

Barradas, Carlos (2014), «Descolonizando enunciados: a quem serve objetivamente a fotografia?», in Filipa Lowndes Vicente (org.) O Império da visão, 447-59.

A portrait of a young man by Portuguese photographer Edgar Martins, for his work "What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty vase". Edgar Martins was recently considered Sony World Photographer of the Year.

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Edgar Martins for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Carla Cabanas for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Portuguese artist Pedro Guimarães' book "Rato Tesoura Pistola" for Lenscratch.com week "Publisher's spotlight"

Barradas, Carlos (2009), Poder ver, poder saber. A fotografia nos meandros do colonialismo e pós-colonialismo. Arquivos da Memória, Nº. 5-6:72-92.

Barradas, Carlos (2009), Poder ver, poder saber. A fotografia nos meandros do colonialismo e pós-colonialismo. Arquivos da Memória, Nº. 5-6:72-92.

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Edgar Martins for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Brazilian artist Shinji Nagabe on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Tito Mouraz for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Augusto Brázio for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Brazilian artist Carine Wallauer on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Catarina Osório de Castro for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Interview of artist Caleb Cole for Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Maria Oliveira for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com

Review of the work and interview to the Portuguese artist Maria Oliveira for the Portuguese photographers week on Lenscratch.com